"Fairy Tale Remnants"
"Fairy Tale Remnants"
Fairy Tale Remnants is a collection of surreal narrative illustrations and writing about characters pulled from dreams.
Skeletons, professional fighters, an exotic dancer, historical figures, mythological beasts, fated lovers, a stalker, a naked merchant, a robot, and reptiles show up and confront each within the confines of an otherworldly arena devoted to playing out scenes from our collective unconscious.
The protagonists' rendering is reminiscent of artists such as George Grosz and Otto Dix with a nod to cartoon characters, fighting symbolic battles in the spirit of Greek Gods and Goddesses.
In these modern fables, no one ever learns anything. The audience watches anyway, pulled in by the dark symbolism of these cultural icons engaging in new contemporary folklore tinged with creepiness and humor.
Indigo Raven Publishing (October 26, 2019) Paperback 42 pages, Color