The critic Craven Rock from Razorcake has done a great review of my book, Fairy Tale Remnants.
Razorcake is a punk rock fanzine published bi-monthly out of Los Angeles, California. It was co-founded by Todd Taylor (former Flipside managing editor) and Sean Carswell (author and Gorsky Press co-founder) in 2001
Fairy Tale Remnants By Nathalie Tierce, 37 pgs.
All the illustrations in this book were once on a canvas. They’ve been reproduced into this little glossy book in full color and it’s a pleasure to look at. Well, it’s a pleasure if you’re a bit twisted, anyway, because these pictures are dark and surreal. Each figure, be it a human or animal or combination of the two, is contorted, out of sync, and grotesque—whether it be the baby throwing down with the snake, a boxer getting destroyed by his opponent, or the stripper and her dead-eyed, shark-faced customers, or Adam and Eve enjoying their exile from Eden cavorting naked near a pile of skulls.
Tierce, in the introduction, talks about the monsters she would see in the darkness as a kid, “waiting to jump out and grab her.” Now she attempts to recreate this feeling by starting with a black canvas and then turning the shapes she sees into the lost and damned creatures in this book. –Craven Rock (Indigo Raven Publishing, 1413 ½ W. Kenneth Rd., Glendale, CA 91201)