A collector has purchased my pastel drawing When Hell Freezes Over as it spoke to her with its fiery imagery.
I asked the collector who purchased this piece, “Why this one?” and got the most touching, interesting reply, which, with her permission, I am sharing here:
“I have been a fan of Nathalie’s for several years now and have been lurking in the bushes waiting for the right painting to come along: it finally happened with “When Hell Freezes Over.” The central character drew me in as she/they (despite obviously unsettled circumstances) have a delightful snaggle-toothed smile and what I believe is a twinkle in the eye. Her waving head cilia/eyebrows/hands complete the welcome. Nathalie is known for her layered work, and WHFO doesn’t disappoint. My pareidolia is in full force, seeing new shapes/colors/characters every time I view her. I will be enjoying this painting until the day I die.”
While selling my work has economic advantages, the real thrill is knowing that what I convey through my paintings and drawings has the ability to enter someone else’s brain and heart and affect them.